Xceleration Sports Facility
360 Ferry Street, Martinez, CA 15s - 18s: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 6:00 - 8:00 pm 12s - 14s: Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 6:00 - 8:00 pm Team signing packets are in the Forms/Handouts page
TestimonialA note to all the new Xceleration Families... You don't know this yet, but you have just made the best decision! It's been 4 years since my daughter committed to play on the Xcel 18 team coached/mentored by Andy, Jeremy, Paul and Jim and every day since we have been showered by nothing but positive coaching, kindness and support, straight through into her senior college year. Doesn't matter what age group or if it's the White/Blue team... I promise you, every effort your daughter puts into this season, she will be rewarded times a thousand. Xcel is the best and your daughter is the lucky one! -- Dede Nieto